Editorial Policy

Welcome to DenverDenizen.com, a blog dedicated to focusing on the city of Denver and the beautiful state of Colorado through the eyes of a local husband and wife duo.

Content Creation Guidelines

All content is based on our personal experiences and observations. We write honestly about the places we visit, including both positives and challenges. While we are not professional travel agents, our content is informed by extensive personal exploration and a deep love for the state. We focus on topics that are timely and of interest to travelers and Colorado residents, such as seasonal activities, local events, and new openings.

Editorial Review Process

Each piece of content undergoes a thorough review process by both authors to ensure accuracy, readability, and adherence to our mission. This collaborative approach ensures diverse perspectives and a unified voice. We welcome feedback from our readers and are committed to promptly correcting any inaccuracies or oversights.

Fact-checking and Source Verification

We fact-check all information against reliable sources, such as official websites for parks, museums, and local businesses, to ensure our content is accurate at the time of publication.
Both authors verify personal experiences to maintain the authenticity and integrity of our stories.

Updating and Correction Policy

We regularly review our content to update information and reflect on any changes to ensure ongoing relevance and accuracy. Corrections are made transparently, with notes added to posts to inform readers of significant updates.

Ethical Considerations and Conflict of Interest

Our content is independently created. We disclose any partnerships or sponsorships transparently at the beginning of the relevant content. We do not accept compensation in exchange for positive reviews. Our opinions remain our own.

Diversity and Inclusion Policy

We strive to explore and highlight the diverse cultures, communities, and experiences within Denver and Colorado, respecting and celebrating differences.

User Engagement and Feedback

Comments and discussions are encouraged on our blog. We moderate comments to maintain a respectful and constructive community space. We are open to suggestions for places to visit and topics to cover, engaging with our readers through social media and direct communication.

Privacy and Data Protection

We are committed to protecting the privacy of our readers. Our website complies with applicable privacy laws, and we do not share personal information without consent.

Legal Compliance and Liability

We adhere to legal standards in content creation, including copyright, defamation, and privacy laws, ensuring our blog remains a positive and lawful space.

Content Accessibility

We aim to make our content accessible to all readers, including those with disabilities, by following web accessibility guidelines and continuously seeking ways to improve accessibility.